The SFIA, and What it Can Do For You


What skills do you currently have? Are you into software development? Or information technology?  If you are, then you need to learn more about the SFIA, or the Skills Framework for the Information Age! According to experts, the SFIA describes and lists the skill and competencies that are required by those who work or are involved in the fields of information and communication technologies, software engineering and digital transformation. Read on to learn more about the SFIA, and what it can do for you.

The SFIA Levels Show You Where You Are, and what You Need to do to Advance

One of the best things about the professional skills within the sfia framework Australia is that it provides descriptions of skills levels, which enable you to gain a better understanding of where you are, and where you’d like to be.

It has indicators of what you require to further increase your skill levels, and is written in a manner which identifies the tasks, activities and responsibilities that you need to be able to reach your targeted skill levels.

It Describes Skills Not Jobs

One of the very reasons why the professional skills within the sfia framework Australia was developed to help people and organizations cut through the jargon of job titles. Just look at the industry today, and you’ll find that it’s not common that two people with the same job title will be doing very different things.


Add the confusing mix of prefixes to the task – associate, senior, junior, lead etc., and you’ll find the job title environment to be not helpful at all. But thanks to the SFIA, the skills and competencies are well-defined and laid out, removing all that confusion with weird job titles and prefixes!


It Helps Chart Your Way Through the IT/Technology Career Path

Another cool thing about the professional skills within the sfia framework Australia is that the levels and the range of skills make it easier to clarify your interests and strengths. It also highlights the relevant experiences that you might need to move upwards, sideways or forwards in the IT industry.


It Shows You How to Advance Without Becoming a Manager

One of the common frustrations of those who work in the IT industry is that the main roadblock to their career is actually the one which requires them to become managers of people (even if they really don’t want to be a manager!).


However, the professional skills within the sfia framework Australia lists and describes senior skill levels or jobs which you can achieve without even assuming that you need to manage a team, or a group of people.

Thus, any ambitious individual can actually use this to lead discussions with their managers and employers. And, there are lots of companies and organizations that are actually keen on creating technical (yet non-management) career paths!


Best of all, the professional skills within the sfia framework Australia are written in a language that you will understand, and it’s kept simple and jargon-free (well it doesn’t come from the academe or the HR!) because it’s written and maintained by practitioners in the technology or IT industry.


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